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Les vinaigres médicinaux.jpg

From organic apple cider vinegar to four thieves vinegar or other plant vinegar, all were created to stimulate our taste buds, heal us when needed or beautify us with cosmetic products.


Our ancestors attributed multiple benefits to them: vinegar was essential to preserving food, facilitated digestion and served as an antiseptic. It was used as a remedy, cleanser or cosmetic by the apothecaries of the time.

When fermented wine loses volume and is in contact with the air, it usually turns sour. A film caused by acetic bacteria forms on its surface. This film is called the mother of vinegar and can be used to make vinegar with any wine to which it is added.


The 4 thieves' vinegar has existed since the epidemic of the bubonic plague, which struck Toulouse between 1628 and 1631 (Population decimated: 50 000 people). There were then 4 thieves who used this recipe for their profit. In Marseille, in 1720, other thieves took over the idea of the recipe, and this one is still displayed and preserved in a Museum, the one of the Old Marseille. Apothecaries later improved it. This vinegar contained rosemary, peppermint, garden rue, sage, lavender, calamus root, cinnamon bark, nutmeg and cloves, powerful vinegar, and radical vinegar camphor.


The 4 thieves' vinegar is currently used as a multipurpose product to sanitize the house, disinfect the skin, is repellent for lice, soothe mosquito bites, sound in hair care, etc., which is why it still exists today in many family pharmacies.

oil bottle and dropper

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar


It is a nerve and heart tonic that reduces fatigue, remineralizes, and stimulates digestion and immunity. It is cholesterol-lowering and hypoglycemic. It revitalizes, builds muscle and is recommended for athletes and in cases of childhood diseases. It is particularly effective against the bacteria that cause earaches. Gargling with a ratio of 1:3 of cider vinegar and warm water helps to overcome hoarseness and sore throat. It is recommended against osteoporosis, rheumatism, arthritis, hemorrhoids and gynecological diseases. It can also be used as a cosmetic for hair, hands and feet. In short, a cure for cider vinegar is a generalized whip.


In Cosmetics: Rose Vinegar


With improved hygiene care in the 19th century, vinegar and perfumes became very popular. They became regenerating, firming and softening beauty and skin care products.


Simple Herbal Vinegar


Many medicinal vinegars combine the virtues of vinegar with those of the plants with which they are associated. You can also prepare them yourself.


Rosemary vinegar, for example, is suitable for joint and muscle pain.


Sage vinegar, for its part, is recommended to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause: hot flashes, excessive sweating, nervousness, and headaches.


Thyme vinegar is taken in the same proportions as rosemary vinegar. It is effective to counter mouth and toothaches.


Mother Earth Herbalism offers several medicinal vinegars to simplify your life. Do not hesitate to use them in your dishes or cosmetics. However, before using them internally for your health, consult a qualified herbalist who will evaluate your situation beforehand. There may be precautions or contraindications to using them, depending on your health problems or the medication you may be taking. That is why no advice for use as a remedy will be provided as is. Caution is always the best advice.


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